Naming your site: Remember it is your brand. It can help or hinder your SEO effectiveness, as well as your marketing, so you may want to include site name in your domain name. You may want a name that infers a product or service. For example: Bob’s Mini mart with website domain tells viewers who he is and what he offers.
Whether you are launching a new site or doing a facelift: Design should be in favor of Google Search Engine Optimization. Your purpose, of course, is to make sure people can find you and contact you through your website. Then you can “call them to action” via web content.
Questions you may want to ask yourself before you start.
To help you formulate your mission statement and goals of your website, I’ve created a list of questions you will want to answer for yourself right away: I suggest you write these down along with your answer. Sharing this with your webmaster will enhance greatly your website design.
- Why do I need a website?
- What is its purpose?
- What is the goal?
- What is the name of my website [business or service]?
- How can people use the products, services, and information you’re providing?
- What are my products[s]?
- How are your products, services, and information and business unique?
- Why will people want your products, services, and information, instead of your competitors’?
- Why will your products, services, and information be used by your clients?
- Will your website products and services help your clients improve their lives?
- What is your purpose for offering the products, services, and information besides making money?
- Why will people come to my website? THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.
YOU MAY NEED A MISSION STATEMENT: Your business and website bloom and then grow BASED your idea that what you have to offer is very special. You want to help people by providing products and services. You will have your mission in mind during your startup process, so you will want to write down a mission statement.
If you have one, you might want to review it for completeness and to see if you are on target with you goals. I found Google mission statement when I did Google search. Here is Google’s mission statement:
“Our company mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” While one sentence mission statements are rare, but possible, I suggest starting with more and then through study and meditation perhaps it can be condensed without losing its effectiveness.
Share your mission with your webmaster. A mission statement will help clarify your purpose in your mind and keep your webmaster focused so your contents will reflect your mission and present your product. It will keep your webmaster pulling your site in the same direction as your mission. A mission statement can help you and your webmaster know how and what to communicate to your targeted audience. THE MISSION STATEMENT WILL BE HOW THE WEBMASTER CAN CONNECT YOUR DOMAIN NAME TO YOUR MISSION. An absolute SEO MUST!
This is not just a mental exercise, it must be in writing. Writing it down solidifies it into images in one’s mind. It can be written in 20 to 40 words. Short, LONG TERM, to point, and yet painting a picture of the site purpose. Get your thoughts into writing it, then study on it and condense without losing it effectiveness
Again, a mission statement will help keep you and your webmaster on target.
Page content and SEO.
SEO may not be included in your contract agreement. 10Star Web Services will design and build your website to be user friendly. When completed your website will be submitted to for indexing. Pages on the site serve two purposes: [1] Content’s ultimate goal is to inform and call to action. [2] Comply with internet law. Keep in mind your mission statement when creating site content and when providing information to your webmaster. THINK ABOUT HEADLINES: They should grab your viewers and appeal to the Google Bots. You will want to make sure your content, heading, images and site structure match your mission statement on your site. You webmaster is also expert in this area.
Home or Landing Page
Site name [think of it as your Brand Name] Usually on top of site. 10Star Webmaster will favor top left side. It may be in the form of Logo Image or Text name.
Here is an example you can view online. It can be an image supported by text such as:
Site Name: Wienert Paints - [domain name is:]
Premium Paints
For Reclamation, Preservation, and Long Life
About Page: Very important to your mission and should include the context of your mission.
Mission Statement Page: I suggest all websites need a mission statement. It can be useful. Sometimes it is successfully included in the about page. It should be the focus of all pages. Contradictory pages or items can be harmful.
Page Titles are important to SEO: AND THINK ABOUT HEADLINES: They should appeal to your viewers and to the Google Bots.
Pages must inform: All pages are to inform, however some need to go further by giving optional choice and then a “call to action.”
Pages for communication: Contact and opt in forms.
Pages for Products: Good descriptions and calls to action.
Pages for Legal compliance: Read and approve what the webmaster provides so you will understand that your site is in compliance.
A picture is worth a thousand words: Great and authentic images help you make the mission statement and pages and products and services stand out. They will help to convey your site and page messages.
Select your photos while keeping your mission in mind.
Blogs can help or hinder your site mission and your SEO.
Note: SEO and Blog writing is a contractual option. It may or may not be in your contract.
I was told by an SEO expert to learn to use my blog to bring SEO attention to my site by the subjects and contents of posts. He told me to keep posts relevant to the site mission. Directing products and features to the readers benefit. While it is a great marketing tool, off mission blogs can hinder SEO as well as your marketing efforts. You want to write a blog, I will post it on your site for you.
Your purpose has inspired your dream to achieve. Don’t be intimated by what is involved in going online. THIS IS WHERE MY SERVICES SHINE. You participate and direct your design build and launch process. I, the 10Star webmaster, will guide you step by step. You simply provide the info with directions and the 10Star webmaster will do the work.
Communication is primary to your success. Together, we can do this.
Owner and Webmaster
Jim Comley
Guide for working with Your Webmaster
This unique GUIDE will help you and I communicate in the design build process for your website.
I am Jim Comley owner, developer, webmaster of 10Star Web Services. I started with computer online use when the internet was first born and followed the internet development. Then when Windows was born I began to build websites; first for myself, then for others. My more than 40 years experiences in managing businesses, people, and sales [marketing] prepared me to give website clients the very best web services available. I include exemplary services that include Free consulting, free step by step guidance. Written guide, as well as personal guiding, and personal consulting will insure you will receive the very best website.
Unique SERVICES that include Free Consulting: 10Star Web Services will design, build, host, manage, and maintain your website. He says it is “Done for you. You provide the information and he will do the work.” His consulting and guidance are both included.
Refer to and keep your specific website contract details in mind while you direct the webmaster in building your website.
There is a cliché “What comes first the chicken or the egg.” When it comes to websites, this might come up in the sense that your business or profession may have begun before the idea of a website came to you. Jim is expert in this area. His creative, skilled, caring, and pro-active design ability can make this situation work for you. His consulting service can get you the best site available anywhere.
Communications ARE primary to your success. Here is what your webmaster will need. All communications are to be done through email at:
- ALWAYS FILL THE SUBJECT LINE with the appropriate SUBJECT to keep the webmaster and you on the same PAGE. Miss communications can cost you valuable time and also risks you message being lost or not seen. Emails must be found to be acted upon. Subject lines are the means to finding them.
- SUBJECT LINE is very useful tool for email organization and archiving.
- USE THE SAME SUBJECT in subsequent messaging with the webmaster until your goal FOR THAT SUBJECT is accomplished.
Naming your site: Remember it is your brand. It can help or hinder your SEO effectiveness, as well as your marketing, so you may want to include site name in you domain name. You may want a name that infers a product or service. For example: Bob’s Mini mart with website domain tells viewers who he is and what he offers.
Whether you are launching a new site or doing a facelift: Design should be in favor of Search Engine Optimization. Your purpose, of course, is to make sure people can find you and contact you through your website. Then you can “call them to action” via web content.
Questions you should be asking before you start.
To help you formulate your mission statement and goals of your website, I’ve created a list of questions you will want to answer right away: I suggest you write these down along with your answer. Sharing this with your webmaster will enhance greatly your website design.
- Why do I need a website? What is its purpose? What is the goal?
- What is the name of my website [business or service]?
- How can people use the products, services, and information you’re providing?
- How are your products, services, and information and business unique?
- Why will people want your products, services, and information, instead of your competitors’?
- Why will your products, services, and information be used by your clients?
- Will they help your clients improve their lives?
- Your purpose for offering the products, services, and information besides making money?
- What are my product[s]?
- Why will people come to my website? THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.
YOU NEED A MISSION STATEMENT: Your business and website bloom and then grow BASED your idea that what you have to offer is very special. You want to help people by providing products and services. You will have your mission in mind during your startup process, so you will want to write down a mission statement.
If you have one, you might want to review it for completeness and to see if you are on target with you goals. I found Google mission statement when I did Google search. Here is Google’s mission statement:
“Our company mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” While one sentence mission statements are rare, but possible, I suggest starting with more and then through study and meditation perhaps it can be condensed without losing its effectiveness.
Share your mission with your webmaster. A mission statement will help clarify your purpose in your mind and keep your webmaster focused so you contents will reflect your mission and present your product. It will keep your webmaster pulling your site in the same direction as your mission. A mission statement can help you and your webmaster know how and what to communicate to your targeted audience. THE MISSION STATEMENT WILL BE HOW THE WEBMASTER CAN CONNECT YOUR DOMAIN NAME TO YOUR MISSION. An absolute SEO MUST!
This is not just a mental exercise, it must be in writing. Writing it down solidifies it into images in one’s mind. It can be written in 20 to 40 words. Short, LONG TERM, to point, and yet painting a picture of the site purpose. Get your thoughts into writing it, then study on it and condense without losing it effectiveness
Again, a mission statement will help keep you and your webmaster on target.
Page content and SEO.
SEO may not be included in your contract agreement. 10Star Web Services will design and build your website to be user friendly. When completed your website will be submitted to for indexing. Pages on the site serve two purposes: [1] Content’s ultimate goal is to inform and call to action. [2] Comply with internet law. Keep in mind your mission statement when creating site content and when providing information to your webmaster. THINK ABOUT HEADLINES: They should grab your viewers and appeal to the Google Bots. You will want to make sure your content, heading, images and site structure match your mission statement on your site. You webmaster is also expert in this area.
Home or Landing Page
Site name [think of it as your Brand Name] Usually on top of site. 10Star Webmaster will favor top left side. It may be in the form of Logo Image or Text name.
Here is an example you can view online. It can be an image supported by text such as:
Site Name: Wienert Paints - [domain name is:]
Premium Paints
For Reclamation, Preservation, and Long Life
About Page: Very important to your mission and should include the context of your mission.
Mission Statement Page: You may or may not need one. It can be useful. Sometimes it is successfully included in the about page. It should be the focus of all pages.
Page Titles are important to SEO: AND THINK ABOUT HEADLINES: They should appeal to your viewers and to the Google Bots.
Pages must inform: All pages are to inform, however some need to go further by giving optional choice and then a “call to action.”
Pages for communication: Contact and opt in forms.
Pages for Products: Good descriptions and calls to action.
Pages for Legal compliance: Read and approve what the webmaster provides so you will understand that your site is in compliance.
A picture is worth a thousand words: Great and authentic images help you make the mission statement and pages and products and services stand out. They will help to convey your site and page messages.
Select your photos while keeping your mission in mind.
Blogs can help or hinder your site mission and your SEO.
Note: SEO and Blog writing is a contractual option. It may or may not be in your contract.
I was told by an SEO expert to learn to use my blog to bring SEO attention to my site by the subjects and contents of posts. He told me to keep posts relevant to the site mission. Directing products and features to the readers benefit. While it is a great marketing tool, off mission blogs can hinder SEO as well as your marketing efforts. You want to write a blog, I will post it on your site for you.
Your purpose has inspired your dream to achieve. Don’t be intimated by what is involved in going online. THIS IS WHERE MY SERVICES SHINE. You participate and direct your design build and launch process. I, the 10Star webmaster, will guide you step by step. You simply provide the info with directions and the 10Star webmaster will do the work.
Communication is primary to your success. Together, we can do this.
Owner and Webmaster
Jim Comley